How to hear and follow the voice of your calling BUY

How to hear and follow the voice of your calling

Are you ready for the personal Matrix reload?

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Before we proceed any further you have to answer a few important questions. Some of them could be uncomfortable, but I guess because of that feeling you are now checking this course.

  1. Do you feel stuck? Or even stagnating? That the world is looped on the same unfavourable tune?
  2. Did you loose the excitement of anticipating a new day when you wake up?
  3. Are you pushing for the goal you are not even sure is yours?
  4. Do you feel commitment to the past in your work that has lost relevance to you in present?

Just imagine for a minute that you finally can hear the voice of your soul, the one that reveals your calling and gives you guidance, what would it say to you?

If you answered «Yes» to the first 4 questions and the imagined voice of your soul doesn't support your current direction then this course is definitely for you.

In 40 lessons Peruquois shares with you the main ideas about this illusive topic and gives you the most powerful practices to help you step into the pathway of your soul.

And yes, the truth is that nobody can follow your Calling but you!

That means there is some tough times ahead, more uncomfortable question, broken illusions and faded fantasies… We women tend to live in either in the fantasy world, the world of dreams and almighty “future” waiting to be rescued or if we picked up that “masculine bug”, in the world of push, stress, exhaustion and emptiness.

Even if we somehow feel this is not it, we just don’t know how to get off this “train” running at an uncontrollable speed into an ageing and fading away destination.

We all need help. When I stepped on a pathway to follow my Calling more that 30 years ago it was a difficult journey yet the most rewarding of them all! I feel blessed and occasionally start crying out of gratitude for what it brought to me, the wisdom, the knowledge, the personal depth, the tools and insights. All of it I will share with you in this 40 video online course.

You will develop skills, raise your energy up, set your sails straight. This course will be your guide, your help, be on your side when everything in the outer world will be changing, screaming and shifting into chaos.

You will gain clarity and willpower and enough humbleness and sensitivity to be gentle, loving yet persistent and determined following what is a true Calling of your soul.

It is true that this course is your personal “Matrix Reloaded”. The question is are you ready to do it, to take the red pill? 

If you say yes now but later your mind wins and you fall prey to its previous “programs and beliefs”, letting it push you back into the old paradigm, there is 100% money back guarantee on this course.

What do women say about this course?

I received more than 100 reviews on this course recently. Here are the few of them:

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Should you have any questions, please contact me via messengers below. I'll reply you shortly.

Lesson Plan

Take a deeper look into the course to have a better understanding of what awaits your inside. Watch the first two videos right here.

1. It's time to face the illusions

  1. It's time to face the illusions

    How to stop living in a world of illusions and projections
  2. Be Yourself — Soundtrack to Your Life

    Your soundtrack to remind you of how Amazing you are — everyday motivation!
  3. Peruquois personal story

    Get powerful insights from listening to Peruquois unfathomable and inspiring journey
  4. What is that vague term everyone uses — «Calling»?

    Let's be clear and direct with the pathway we are about to follow
  5. The voices in your head

    Who is running the show in your head? Let's find out all the impostors and make sure that it is your voice that governs your life!
  6. Pop culture and past traumas influence

    To move into the future we have to address the past… and look around and clear what is holding us in present
  7. Mapping the voices in your head

    Priceless exercise that will help you to clear the space for your own inner voice
  8. Five Reasons why we don't hear our calling

    Let's specify them and make sure we are ready to start making real steps for our total transformation
  9. #1 Stagnation

    Where did our energy go and how to restore it again
  10. #2 Too busy

    Why did we create this addictive overload in the first place and how to clean up the sheet
  11. #3 Burn out

    Let's look and address your lifestyle
  12. #4 Overly invested and committed

    It is impossible to follow your Calling walking with shackles on your legs
  13. 5# Limiting beleifs

    Let's unscrew some rusty bolts in your head
  14. Bringing clarity

    What do we have to do to get out of self doubt and confusion?
  15. Can we do our work with love

    First major question you are about to ask yourself
  16. Mothering as a calling

    Crucial topic for every woman who is a Mother
  17. Your gifts as the instruments for the soul

    What is that magic dowry we came to this life with
  18. Сalling grows you

    Because it is a process not an object. So it is time to learn how to learn from it
  19. Recocnizing the voice of intuition

    From mysticism to actual practice
  20. Intuition Mantra

  21. Your personal psychologist

    It is portable and very smart
  22. Cleaning voices out of your head — discourse

    Let's prepare for one of the most powerful practices of the course
  23. Cleaning the voices out of your head — practice

    Let's do this powerful practice together
  24. The voice of your heart

    It is not just a pretty colloquialism it is a powerful tool and we are about to learn how to use it
  25. Acquaintance with the field and voice of your heart

    First step into the practical «magic» — from ethereal into material
  26. Wake up your womb power — discourse

    What has been hidden is about to be revealed
  27. Wake Up your womb power audio practice

    Breath deep into the womb then sound the voice of your womb …Trust and grow this potent connection.
  28. Womb activation via dance

    Sensuality in service of your Calling
  29. Womb activation via dance — audio

    Let's dance together
  30. Opening the soulfield — discourse

    Are you ready to reconnect with the field of your soul?
  31. Opening the soul-field — practice

    Mind bending practice that will change your perception of life for good
  32. Brain activation — discourse

    Time has come to increase your brain-power?
  33. Activate the soulfield with brain activation

    Let's do this powerful practice together
  34. Personal calling song/mantra

    Simple and powerful tool that ancients knew so well of
  35. Your calling song/mantra revision discourse

    Time to revision and re-strategise
  36. Everyday action

    Even God doesn't have any other hands but yours
  37. What to do with believers, mentors and disbelievers

    You have to reshuffle your social world in order to live the life following your Calling
  38. Adressing a competetive partner

    How to navigate your relationship
  39. Becoming a passionte reseacher

    Most of the knowledge you need is as far as your hand can stretch
  40. Creating your daily practice

    The one to support you when everything goes awry
  41. Final words

    As you've already heard the 1000 miles road begins under your foot… make your step!
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About Peruquois

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