Mastering Anger — Emotional Cleansing Series BUY

Mastering Anger — Emotional Cleansing Series

Use your bodily emotional intelligence to address this powerful emotion

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How many times have you felt ashamed, embarrassed or plain foolish because you let your anger get the upper hand over your clarity? You may have even tried a few «anger management» courses only to realise that managing anger is like managing a volcano. Not much of a chance for success. 

Yet you still need an approach to deal with anger rather than randomly throw it around, mostly at people who you dearly love: children, husband or relatives… 

In 2012 I developed a practice — Emotional Cleansing — that amongst other emotions addressed Anger. The practice became an instant hit. It helped thousands of people at my workshops and with people practicing it at home. 

My approach was in addressing the stagnant blocked energy of anger while it's cold, raising it up in controlled conditions, finding the cause of it and addressing these energy blockages. Getting insight into the causes and then addressing them! The unique technique I developed proved it's effectiveness even as a stand alone audio course yet it was limited by the CD format it was then available as.

Now you can get all the benefits of my technique and tremendously upgrade your emotional intelligence and maturity. Become a master of this hot volcanic energy so its enormous potential will serve you rather than destroy everything around. It can become fuel to serve your new life! Your honest life will fill up with life-force and creative power, free from dishonesty and compromises. The life you truly deserve to live. Let's begin. 

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Do you have any questions? Contact me now

Should you have any questions, please contact me via messengers below. I'll reply you shortly.

Lesson Plan

Take a deeper look into the course to have a better understanding of what awaits your inside. Watch the first two videos right here.

1. The nature of anger or even rage discourse

  1. The nature of anger or even rage discourse

  2. Voice release practice

  3. Discourse how to release your anger totally freely and powerfully- preparation for Anger release practice

  4. Journal om

  5. Anger release practice

    If you have a good external speaker plug in your phone or computer to receive full power and bass of the soundtrack…if not then use headphones.
  6. Om rebalancing audio

  7. Analysis_discourse

    After releasing anger take action to resolve causes
  8. Anger at the dead

  9. Walk away discourse

  10. Anger communication discourse

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About Peruquois

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